How to Succeed with Online Surveys for Money as a Work from Home Business

Online surveys for money are a dime a dozen on the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, survey takers hardly make money on the internet which will be enough for them to quit their day jobs. The secrets I will reveal here in this article should help you to succeed if your desire is to work from home and take surveys for money. Meanwhile, you can click here to download a directory listing over 450 surveys sites that pay cash and rewards.

First and foremost, you cannot be rich taking surveys online. That is the truth because it is not get-rich-quick schemes of any sort. But you can pay the bills which come up on a monthly basis if you really commit quality time per day to completing simple questions which you will be receiving in your inbox.

Also, you have to understand that there are avalanche of survey scams all over the web. Unless you have the experience to distinguish online scams from legitimate websites, you may end up in an asshole even before you realize it! This is common because online surveys for money are free to join and it is an easy way to earn money from home. Strictly speaking, you are not expected to pay any fee to join any market research company and take surveys for money except the website is serving as middleman who has a database of survey sites to share with his subscribers or members.

The question now is, “How do you know a legitimate survey website from scam site?” A site asking you for sensitive information such as social security number is probably not genuine. A lot of market research companies now use electronic payment systems such as PayPal or checks to settle their panelists.

However, it is common for you to come across veteran survey takers who on their own build specific websites which list survey sites that pay cash. Understandably, these websites will charge their subscribers or members a token to release this type of information which they may need. This is because they take the time to regularly vet, verify and update functional and high paying survey websites. Such portal which I found to be very helpful is Legit Paid Online Survey Website.  

With that said, let’s quickly go through the secrets and tips that will help you to make money taking surveys.

Secret #1: Create a Dedicated Email Account

Before you get your foot in the door, create a new email account solely for taking surveys. You will be able to keep track of all invitations being sent to your inbox. The free or will do for this purpose. You should also add the contacts of the survey sites which you sign up with to your address book in order to avoid mails inviting you to take part in a survey going to junk folder as spam.

Secret #2: Download Auto Fill Software

When you start signing up to different survey sites, you will be required to provide personal information which will help them to send you invitations which you are eligible for from time to time. Filling out the same info over and over again can be time consuming. You can do yourself a world of good by using free auto filling programs such as to do this seamlessly.

Often, you will fill out information on your profile like first and last name, birth day, occupation, personal interests, etc. With RoboForm auto fill program, you will be able to save this information in the software and it will automatically auto fill it when the need arises.

Secret #3: Register With Lots of Market Research Companies

If you want to make sizable income on a monthly basis completing paid online surveys, you must sign up with lots of them. The truth is that the more the merrier. Registering with just 20 companies will not cut it. Assuming each survey pays an average of $5, you must take at least 10 in order to make $50 a day.

There are survey takers who registered with at least 250 market research companies. From these pool, they should expect 10 daily invitations in order to hit their income goal.

Secret #4: Build Good Reputation With Paid Survey Websites

When you are just starting out, you should not expect to receive invitations which will earn you $50 to $150 per survey. But when you build up good reputation with these companies, you will start getting invites to focus groups. This is when you will be getting high paying surveys for money.

Secret #5: Check and Read Your Emails Daily

It is important that you regularly check and read your email daily in order not to miss out from paid panels’ invitations. Also, make sure you respond to surveys which you are eligible promptly. Always remember that paid panels will close any survey when they reach the cut-off rate expected from a particular assignment. You should check your junk folder in case any of the invitations goes there.

Secret #6: Read Every Question Before Giving Your Opinion

Panel companies need valid responses from their members. As a matter of fact, you must read every question before giving your opinion about a product, service or information. It will interest you to know that market research panels include quality control question as a check to fish out dishonest panelists who give arbitrary opinions. So you should be wary of speeding and flatlining when taking surveys for money.

Secret #7: Download a Comprehensive Survey Sites That Pay Cash and Rewards

An easy way to get started is to have a database of legitimate paid panels where you can register, work and be confident you will get cash or reward as stipulated. There are lots of free money making survey websites out there on the internet. But if you have not worked with any of them, you may not know if they are legit or not. This is where Legit Paid Online Surveys’ website will come in handy. I have found this website to be very helpful.

From the above two websites, you are guaranteed access to database of regular paid surveys for money for the long term. The next thing is for you to invest quality time to complete every invitation sent to your inbox and participate in focus groups which you are eligible for.

If you really want to make money from home without creating your own digital products or doing affiliate marketing, taking surveys for money is one of the simplest ways to make money online on a consistent basis. You may not be able to quit your day job yet but you can earn enough to pay the bills.


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